Archive for the ‘New Order’ Category


I was never a Joy Division fan back in the day or even really later.

The same applied to New Order. I knew the hits; I loved Bizarre Love Triangle; but I wasn’t fan.

But when Get Ready came out, I loved it. Or I loved Crystal. It was never off MTV2 with the video that gave the Killers their name.

I went to this show with the guitar playing accountant.

My biggest memory isn’t off the band, it’s off the bar.

I’d picked up four pints (two each) and was about to try and make my way back to where we were standing, and I slipped on spilled beer on the floor and went over – with the pints.

In a wonderful moment, two guys I knew from work suddenly picked me up, and bought me new beer.

I walked with a limp for about a fortnight. The girl was very unimpressed.


Being picked up


Clearly quite heavily.


I like seeing shows with you.